Now Partnered with Sweet Me Photography
What to Expect
With you every step of the way
Newborn sessions take patience and time. Every effort is made to make sure your baby is comfortable and safe. We will take as many breaks to cuddle, nurse, shush, and soothe as your baby needs. I use warmth, white noise, swaddles, and natural movements to ease your baby into dreamy sleepy poses. As baby naturally cycles through sleep phases we will take the opportunity to capture sweet gazes, silly sneezes, big yawns, and even bubbley smiles. Hidden barriers and soft supports make sure that poses are safe and don't put pressure on tiny joints or precious new skin. Expect sessions to last 3 - 5 hours.

Prepare for your Session
Babies Just need a few things to be content:
- Full tummies
- warm rooms
- plenty of rest
- and tight snuggles
Preparing your space: Find a place in your home with lots of natural light to set up the session. Turn up the heat in that space, session areas should be 85 degrees or higher with little to no draft. Try to schedule feeding so that baby is enjoying a big meal while the photographer sets up - but don't stress if the schedule is off on the day of your session, I am used to working on "baby time" and can adjust accordingly.
Props: A selection of generic props and accessories will be available but any specific props should be provided by the family. Look around your home! You probably have a lot of useable props already! Baskets, blankets, flowers, leaves and greenery, knit hats, ribbons, string, ties, and bows all make great additions to a photo. Keeping accessories simple and minimal will let your baby's beauty shine through.
Clothes: Tiny shoes, shirts, and dresses are so adorable! However, it is not recommended to dress baby in entire outfits. Its easy to lose sight of baby's tiny features in the folds of all that fabric. Instead, simple wraps, diaper covers, individual accessories is all we will need. Outfits made specifically for newborn photography like crocheted hats or knits can be found in many varieties online or at local boutiques.
Other things to consider: Please have plenty of burp rags, receiving blankets, clean diapers, wipes, and hand sanitizer on hand. If you choose to use a pacifier have that available as well, however a pacifier is not required for the photo session.

at Just the right time
When to Schedule:
Since babies quickly outgrow the "newborn" stage. Sessions should be done within the first 10 days of life. Many families choose to keep their new baby away from unnecessary public exposure until they receive their first vaccinations (usually around 2 wks). Since I will be working with your baby in their very first week of life, I keep all my vaccinations up to date including TDAP (Whooping Cough) and I get an annual Flu shot and TB test as is required for labor and deliver hospital staff.